
What are the advantages of importing auto parts in Brazil?

importar autopeças

The auto parts market is busy in Brazil, an essentially road-based country. With this, your company can obtain even more significant profits in this field.

What importer doesn’t want to find the cheapest option to buy auto parts quickly and safely?

Importing auto parts in Brazil is an opportunity to reduce investment costs by up to 80% and benefit your company by becoming more competitive with the best options on the international market.

Despite having to pay for international freight and taxes on goods, importing automotive parts and products is still very advantageous, resulting in a much more affordable final price for the importer than purchasing on the national market.

But to achieve it more easily, you need to plan carefully and expertly. That said, WM helps you make the best choices throughout the project.

Check out how we do it below!

The importance of planning in the Import of Auto Parts

Logistics Planning

The nationalization of auto parts can have exclusive advantages when made by specific states. And when it comes to the logistical planning of the operation, WM has the necessary know-how to optimize this import from end to end.

With our 14 branches and 7 tax benefits throughout Brazil, we find opportunities within the process to improve the entire flow.

We also have a team of experts with the ability to deal with the bureaucratic requirements of customs procedures, optimizing the entire process and providing greater security for the operation.

Tax Planning

The sector still benefits from single-phase PIS and COFINS, which means that rates only apply once in the tax chain.

This operation can still be optimized through Custom Import Operation, in which the incidence occurs on the purchase price, and not on the sales price.

Furthermore, the Import of Auto Parts by Santa Catarina brings even more benefits to the buyer: the State Secretariat of Finance of Santa Catarina, through Decree No. 479/2020, denounced ICMS Protocols No. 41/2008 and No. 97/ 2010, which support interstate operations and assign responsibility for collecting ICMS-ST.

Therefore, taxpayers from Santa Catarina will no longer collect ICMS-ST on interstate operations with auto parts, nor will taxpayers from other UFs make the aforementioned payment when sending auto parts to the State of SC.

With this measure, the responsibility for collecting ICMS is assigned to just one company in the chain, which acts as a “tax substitute” for the other taxpayers in the operation.

Thus, the tax reduction of cargo and logistics costs are further optimized when combined with our expertise to nationalize the product safely and without excessive expenses!

WM’s differences in Auto Parts Import

Through centralized management with knowledge of technical, customs and legal requirements to import all types of products through the right flow, WM is your right partner for importing auto parts.

We are the first Trading company certified by ISO 9001, a certification we have maintained for over 10 years, which guarantees quality and standardization in all our processes.

Located in 15 states to facilitate the entry of goods for our importing clients, we are where our clients are and work to optimize their logistics and taxation.

Our parameterization rate in Canal Verde for auto parts is 97% and importing by order with WM, your company can access benefits such as PIS and single-phase Cofins.

Import auto parts with WM!

Given this information, you can already see that importing auto parts is better than buying nationally, right?

As important as knowing this is realizing that WM is your best choice to develop a more assertive and advantageous import project, in which your company can benefit from a smooth operation and focus on its main business.

Leave the bureaucracy to WM – talk directly to one of our experts and start the best planning for your operation!



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