
Do you want to import your plane or helicopter with agility and security?

Get in touch with the most complete trading company in Brazil to make this dream come true. Click the button below to speak to one of our aircraft import specialists!

Aircraft Import

WM has a strong relationship with the main suppliers of panels, inverters and accessories for the installation of a photovoltaic system.

We guarantee the best transport costs and the best logistical conditions to optimize operations. We also work in the equipment nationalization process and have Inmetro certification to ensure greater agility in customs clearance.

6 steps to import your aircraft

1. Aircraft Selection
In the first stage, the LOI is prepared, the Letter of Intent to purchase the aircraft. It is also necessary to open an Escrow account and deposit the aircraft deposit.
2. Signing the APA and Starting the PPI
The purchase and sale agreement (APA) is signed between WM and seller. After this, the aircraft pre-purchase inspection (PPI) begins to identify potential repairs (in cases of used aircraft). At this stage, the test flight is carried out. This is also where the Trust is opened to mediate international purchases.
3. Finalization of PPI and Closing
After the PPI, a technical inspection report is prepared. Upon acceptance of the aircraft, the remaining amount is deposited into the Escrow account. Payment to the seller is made by transferring ownership, and obtaining export documents such as the COA.
4. Aircraft Documentation and Export Checklist
After payment, the process of exporting and deregistering the aircraft in the country of origin takes place. The pilot for the transfer and insurance are hired. Import documents are issued and the transfer route is defined. A flight authorization to Brazil is issued and a reception slot is scheduled at the destination airport.
5. Aircraft Arrival
After the first landing at an international airport, the AVANAC is validated by Customs with the TECAT registration. Upon arrival at the scheduled slot, the Import Declaration is registered and nationalization taxes are paid. The aircraft is parameterized, cleared, and proceeds for invoicing and issuance of the NF as a national asset.
6. Directing to VTI and Delivery to the Customer
Finally, the aircraft is sent for the Initial Technical Inspection at the chosen workshop and once completed, it is delivered to the customer. At this time, the insurance endorsement and issuance of the CA and CM also takes place.
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What is needed to import planes and helicopters?

Aircraft Importation

A Guide to Importing Airplanes and Helicopters

WM’s differences when importing aircraft

Presence at the main fairs and events in the segment

Expertise in different aircraft models

Benefits of importing aircraft​

The executive aircraft market is growing more and more in Brazil, and importing brings several advantages.

Terms of use

It is possible to find a wide variety of pre-owned aircraft with just a few hours of flying time and in excellent condition.

Cost Reduction

In total, savings can reach 30% over the value of a similar aircraft already in Brazil.

Non-market offer

While options remain limited in the national market, there are plenty of opportunities in the global market.

Import Opportunities

A large amount of Brazil’s aircraft market is imported.

The Brazilian fleet totals just over 15 thousand units, being the second largest in the world, behind only the American fleet.

These are jets, helicopters or turboprops for private use, used for commercial or even personal purposes. One of the highlights in the country is the state of São Paulo, which accounts for 28% of the total number of aircraft.

Do you want to import your plane or helicopter quickly and safely?

Fill out the form below and one of our experts will contact you

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