
Do you want to import chemical products quickly and safely?

Contact us and find out about the benefits we offer to nationalize your cargo!

Industry challenges

With the growth of imports of chemical products, the sector is one of the main market trends, attracting more and more investors.

In Brazil, local production is not able to meet all local needs, and importing large quantities is a way to address this problem and boost yet another economic sector.

Benefits of importing with WM

WM specializes in importing chemical products with the greatest expertise in the market


We guarantee safety in the importation of chemical products, without risk and with efficient operation.

Tax benefits

With our experience in the chemical import market, we have all the know-how to import without additional costs.


We have 100% parameterization in the green channel, in addition to tax benefits and specialized advice focused on better management of your imports.


With experience in the area, WM operates in the large-scale import of chemical products.

Our processes are made in order to obtain all the technical requirements required for the conditioning, packaging and nationalization of the products.

We are aware of the necessary measures to comply with all the bureaucracy required for this type of operation to take place.

Contratamos a WM Trading para otimizar nosso departamento de compras internacionais e estamos satisfeitos com a qualidade do serviço, pois é uma empresa que cumpre os prazos, mantendo-se sempre presente, além de dar follow-up constante dos processos. Temos um excelente relacionamento comercial, que é mantido com uma postura ética e comprometida. Já indicamos outros clientes para eles. Hoje, temos na WM um parceiro estratégico em que confiamos.

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Want to import chemicals with all the necessary security?​

Fill out the form and one of our experts will contact you.

Discover our operating segments

We are specialists in importing different sectors.

Check out some of them:

WM Trading

Oi! Sou a Ana, sua assistente virtual da WM Trading. Preencha os campos para que possamos conversar no WhatsApp.

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