
Does your company need to import fuel quickly and safely?

Count on WM, we are your right choice to overcome this challenge

More security in your imports

As it is a sector highly regulated by Federal and State Revenue, a high level of security, knowledge and standardization in the processes involving this asset is necessary.

Keeping up to date with each of these regulations and interacting with other agents involved in the chain is a basic starting point for these operations.

Why import fuels with WM?

Our expertise in the fuel sector is unparalleled. We have all the necessary licenses for this operation, such as the ANP.

We carry out fuel nationalization operations from North to South of the country, covering 10 different ports. In 2019, we imported 13.9% of all imported Brazilian diesel and 10.4% of gasoline.

With 20 years in the market and 10 years of ISO 9001 certification, we value quality and mitigate risks in our customers’ import operations.

Differences that WM offers

Importing Fuels with excellence is our specialty!

Market Experience

Your operations will be under the care of a qualified and very experienced team, who will provide the best assistance for your company.

Real-time information

We provide a complete dashboard for you to consult and manage your imports and demands, reducing unforeseen events.

High capillarity

We are located in 15 Brazilian states and operate in 10 port terminals to optimize fuel imports!

Expertise in various fuels

Do you want to import fuel quickly and safely?

Fill out the form and one of our experts will contact you.

Discover our operating segments

We are specialists in importing different sectors.

Check out some of them:

WM Trading

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